Ayurveda, or "Science of Life", is an ancient holistic medicine system. Often described as the sister science to Yoga, it is thousands of years old originating in India, but now widely known all over the world as a system that can help to heal the body and the mind naturally. It is based on a fundamental idea that we as humans are closely connected to and affected by nature and our environment as well as how we treat our minds and bodies. It is said in Ayurveda that all disease originates in the mind and that we need to treat ourselves holistically in order to be balanced and well. We each have our own unique constitution and when we go out of balance we need to treat that imbalance according to our own make up. The three pillars of Ayurveda are food, sleep and relationships (or emotional life). Finding balance in these areas and staying well are the goal.
As a yoga teacher Claire employs Ayurvedic practices for helping clients to regain balance and wellbeing, She also focusses on nutrition and mindfulness practices to provide a unique holistic plan for each of her clients whatever is ailing them. Claire has studied Ayurveda in India as part of her yoga teacher training and is currently undertaking an Ayurvedic Apprenticeship with renowned holistic health authority and herbalist Anne McIntyre.
Contact Claire to arrange for a free 15 minute initial telephone consultation to discuss your Ayurvedic constitution and what may be helpful for you to bring more balance to your life through your diet and other practices like yoga.
As a yoga teacher Claire employs Ayurvedic practices for helping clients to regain balance and wellbeing, She also focusses on nutrition and mindfulness practices to provide a unique holistic plan for each of her clients whatever is ailing them. Claire has studied Ayurveda in India as part of her yoga teacher training and is currently undertaking an Ayurvedic Apprenticeship with renowned holistic health authority and herbalist Anne McIntyre.
Contact Claire to arrange for a free 15 minute initial telephone consultation to discuss your Ayurvedic constitution and what may be helpful for you to bring more balance to your life through your diet and other practices like yoga.
Essential Oils
Claire delivers the AromaTouch technique using doTERRA essential oils. This is a soothing and gentle experience using a specific technique with a fixed sequence and combination of essential oils that has been developed by doTERRA to allow you to perfectly unwind and be restored to a deeper sense of calm. https://www.aromatouch.com. A 40 minute session is £20. Contact Claire to book an appointment at a mutually convenient time and location.
Essential oils can be used in a wide variety of ways to help with healing and bringing health and vitality to life. Claire is very happy to discuss her use and knowledge of oils and is a doTERRA Wellness Advocate.
Essential oils can be used in a wide variety of ways to help with healing and bringing health and vitality to life. Claire is very happy to discuss her use and knowledge of oils and is a doTERRA Wellness Advocate.
Mindfulness is often described as the ability to fully present in the moment and aware of our thoughts and feelings, aware of where we are and what we’re doing. It is something we all naturally are capable of as human beings, but which needs to be cultivated through a daily practice to help us live life with reduced stress and anxiety. It has been shown to help alleviate depression and effective in pain management as well. It is often described as a process of becoming awake to our own selves and less reactive or negative in our actions and feelings. There is solid research showing that when you train your brain to be mindful, the physical and biochemical processes of your brain are actually altered to positive benefit.
Mindfulness training can happen formally through attending meditation and practice sessions with a trained teacher as well as informally by oneself. Claire is a certified teacher with Mindfulness Now (https://mindfulnessnow.org.uk) accredited by the British Psychological Society, qualified to lead private and group sessions in Mindfulness Training. If you find that you suffer from stress, depression or anxiety or just that you often feel a bit overwhelmed by life, (and let's face it who doesn't these days?), if your sleep is suffering, or you simply find it a challenge to relax, Mindfulness could be for you. Contact Claire to find out about up coming sessions and one-to-one availability.
Mindfulness training can happen formally through attending meditation and practice sessions with a trained teacher as well as informally by oneself. Claire is a certified teacher with Mindfulness Now (https://mindfulnessnow.org.uk) accredited by the British Psychological Society, qualified to lead private and group sessions in Mindfulness Training. If you find that you suffer from stress, depression or anxiety or just that you often feel a bit overwhelmed by life, (and let's face it who doesn't these days?), if your sleep is suffering, or you simply find it a challenge to relax, Mindfulness could be for you. Contact Claire to find out about up coming sessions and one-to-one availability.